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Instant Hypnosis Lesson Five:
"The Eye Lock"
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About S.T.E.A.L.T.H. Hypnosis
Welcome To The The STEALTH HYPNOSIS Hypnosis Training Head Quarters. You are about to learn hypnosis secrets and most hypnotists will never know about how to quickly and easily hypnotize someone without their knowledge.
STEALTH IS AN ABSOLUTE BREAKTHROUGH Method for quickly and easily hypnotically persuading people to do what you want, when ever you want. The method has been proven over and over again in the real world where intentions matter very little and its results that count.
The Hypnosis Training You Receive From STEALTH WILL QUICKLY TEACH You how to secretly hypnotize anyone without their knowledge.
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If you are New To Conversational Hypnosis, Covert Hypnosis and want to learn hypnosis online from the comfort of your own home we have several options available to you.
We have just completed work on our brand new public-access hypnosis training portal where you will have instant access to over 30 short hypnosis training videos. These videos will give you valuable insider tips and tricks to quickly and easily begin performing hypnosis on people without them even knowing you are doing it.
In this valuable FREE Hypnosis Training level of STEALTH Headquarters You'll Learn Things Like:
How to Use Covert and Conversational Hypnosis For:
- Hypnotizing Someone Without Them Knowing It
- Hypnotizing Women To Like You
- Becoming More Attractive
- Hypnotizing Groups
- Creating Irresistible Rapport and Connection
- Hypnotizing In Writing, Email and Even "Texting"
- Making Sure Hypnosis Will Work
- And Much Much More
If you are new to S.T.E.A.LT.H. and would like to know more.
Before you join the full hypnosis training We Invite You To A. Read The Entire Letter below that describes what STEALTH Hypnosis Training Will Do For You. and Then If you want a little taste of what STEALTH CAN DO FOR YOU.
We created just for you a special FREE Hypnosis Training Level For You To Enjoy.
In This brand new (and very cool) free online hypnosis training portal you can view up to 30 FREE Videos On Techniques for , Becoming More Confident, Charismatic, Fascinating, Improve your success in Dating, Attraction, , Hypnotizing Groups, Public Speaking and More,
...All using the power of covert and conversational hypnosis.
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If you Would Like To Simply Go Ahead and Tour Our Public Level Just Go Here and fill out the simple and easy form to gain free instant access to 30 FREE Conversational and Covert Hypnosis Videos
Or Simply Read About How Other People Have Been Successfully Using The STEALTH/CPI Method.
"More Than Passed Any Test I Could Give It"
From: Scott Sandland, C.Ht.
Newport Beach, California.
People have been talking back and forth about the upcoming CPI Training that David is putting on. Let me just share my experience with CPI. David and I went up to the SF bay area sleepwalker’s convention to Hear Mark [Cunningham] speak a few months ago.
After the lecture there was a Small get together with dinner and drinks, etc. While we were Chatting with people David showed me first hand how effective his Techniques were. The two women we were talking with identified themselves as NLP Master practitioners with little formal hypnosis experience. As we Talked I recognized David using some of the language patterns he had Shown me. I thought it was blatant, but these NLP pros didn’t even blink an eye
(literally, they had pretty much stopped blinking).
Long story short, David was able to dramatically demonstrate his CPI Techniques with these women. He asked them their opinion on a topic and then rapidly changed it without them being aware of it.
I was shocked at how easily these two smart, educated women were so easily swayed in their thoughts. And what’s more, they were happy about it. David told me that most people’s skills are context dependent, Meaning that most hypnotists are only hypnotists in their office. In his martial arts training he noticed students associating their Skills with their uniform, so he had his students train in street clothes.
His students were able to associate themselves with the skills, not what they had on. That meant they were masters anywhere, anytime, etc. This is what I think David has done with CPI. David has found a way to make the language patterns, the models, the complex rituals workable in any situation. He took pieces of NLP, parts of persuasion trainings, marketing seminars, speed seduction, and Hypnosis and stripped them down, found the common denominators, and built something from that foundation.
"Something That Works"
Scott Sandland's CPI Field Reports |
Field Report #2 |
Golf Improvement, Amnesia and Long Distance Rapport and More...
If you want stories, vie got tons more. |
- I fixed a guys golf Swing in under 10 minutes using only these techniques,
- induced Spontaneous amnesia,
- established powerful rapport from 15 feet Away
- and motivated people to do things that I wanted.
Scott Sandland's CPI Field Reports #3 |
Making Money With Your Hypnosis Skills
I have been Offered 3 jobs I'm not even close to qualified for
- (one of them was For a big real estate company that offered me six figures in my First year,
- another was for 70k a year before commission in sales,
- The other was for an advertising company)and on and on.
I have even had people challenge me and say, 'if you can do all The things you say you can, prove it on me right now.'
and I have been able to not only produce spontaneous amnesia on them,but they Have done what I asked and are happy about it.
I get invited to poker night with a couple different groups and just take their Money. I tell them I'm going to use these skills and they still don’t stand a chance.
What’s more, they are thrilled about it
and keep Inviting me back. I could go on... My point is, with the stuff you can learn from David there are limitless applications.
Whatever area you want to improve to be more influential or effective, you can apply these techniques There.
At least that’s been my experience.
I’m the kind of guy that demands results.
Anybody who spends time with me knows imp a perfectionist and hold all people and things to extremely high standards.
CPI has more than passed any test I could give it.
In fact, David’s trainings consistently blow away my expectations. The money is an investment, and it’s a great one.
If you were a plumber you would need to buy all the tools,if you were carpenter you would invest in all the supplies.
They have all this so they can fix whatever breaks and build whatever is needed. CPI is something that (in my opinion) should be added to everyone’s bag of Tricks… At least anyone who interacts with people. Hope this helps,
Scott Sandland C.Ht,